Sports Turf
The fastest growing segment of the turfgrass industry is sports turf maintenance. Community and school athletic programs are driving construction and a high level of maintenance on all sports fields. The name of the game here is safety and playability. Fisher & Son Company has decades of experience building sound agronomic programs for managers of sports turf from little league fields on up to professional sports facilities. Take your facilities to the next level!
EarthWorks – Natural Organic Products. Celebrating 25 years.
EarthWorks is a manufacturer of a complete, professional line of Natural Organic Fertilizers, Liquid Organic Fertilizers, Soil Conditioners and Bio-Stimulants. Our products are designed to meet the stringent requirements of the golf course and sports turf industries. We are dedicated to formulating the most agronomically complete and biologically active products available.
EarthWorks was founded on the basic principles of the ecological systems approach to soil and plant management. Our mission is to promote those principles through our educational programs and support the approach by consulting, soil testing and providing our own bio-diverse products through nationwide distribution.
Earthworks builds products and programs that help our clients reduce inputs, provide a better product for their clients and promote an ecological systems approach to soil and plant management. EarthWorks will always look for innovative technologies and concepts to continually produce the highest quality, biologically active products available. Fertility products will always be the focal point of the company, but we are exploring new areas such pest control programs that will be both effective and more environmentally sound.
Call 800.262.2127 or email us to order this product today!
Grigg Brothers – University Proven Foliar Fertilizers
Grigg Brothers has proven itself to be a valuable partner in the golf and sports turf industry since 1995. Their Proven Foliar™ liquid and GreenSpec™ granular fertilizer technologies are backed by many years of independent university research and extensive field trials. Grigg Brothers offers turfgrass managers and greenkeepers fertilizer solutions with unmatched quality, performance, and compatibility.
Call 800.262.2127 or email us to order this product today!
SoilLife – Good Things Growing. The best in turfgrass seeds.
Pickseed is a leader in the development, production and distribution of turfgrass. Since our beginning in 1947, Pickseed has built a trusted and proven reputation for quality, agronomic advice and a commitment to research and technology.
Pickseed is known for developing top-performing proprietary turfgrass varieties. Turf breeding objectives include color, disease and insect resistance, fine leaf texture, wear tolerance and drought resistance. Technical support is vital to enable the delivery of professional customer service to both distributors and their end-use customers. This support is backed by the interpretation and analysis of extensive regional turfgrass variety trial data.
Call 800.262.2127 or email us to order this product today!
Pro’s Choice
Pro’s Choice calcined clay soil conditioners are made from a highly porous mineral called montmorillonite. Once mixed into your field, the natural pores create permanent air spaces in the soil. That means longer life for your field, less maintenance, greater safety for the players, and all-around better playing surfaces. See our resource manual for the full line of Pro’s Choice ballfield products.
Call 800.262.2127 or email us to order this product today!

- Aquatics
- Equipment
- Fertilizers
- Fungicides
- Grass Seed
- Growth Regulators
- Herbicides
- Insecticides
- Soil Management
Waterways are sensitive sites, so extra care should be taken when choosing products to diminish the presence of undesirable vegetation.
Our technical team can guide you to the right products for your situation.
In addition to carrying the leading brands of fertilizers, grass seed and plant protectants; FSC also carries quality spreaders, sprayers, injectors, safety equipment, measuring cups and Golf Course accessories.
The term "quality fertilizer" can mean different things to different people. The components of the fertilizer, the slow release nitrogen technology, the particle sizing, formulation, buffering agents and the cleanliness of the final product are all critical in determining the value of any fertilizer. Fisher & Son Company stocks the best brands in the marketplace. The quality is always the first priority.
- FSC Select Turf Fertilizers
- Lebanon Country Club Fertilizers
- Fertilizer Blends
- Earthworks Granular Organic Fertilizers
- Soil Nutrients
FSC represents a complete line of fungicides from every major chemical manufacturer supporting the Green Industry.
There are a few seed companies in our industry that always lead the field in research and development, bringing us the best new varieties with enhanced disease and insect resistance; better drought and heat tolerance; and of course, better leaf texture and color.
The use of growth regulators for turf, trees and herbaceous plants has grown dramatically, and the value they provide goes well beyond their chemical pruning capabilities.
Choosing the right herbicide for a site can be difficult. Let our experts help you make the right choice.
FSC's extensive line of herbicides provides a solution to all of your weed control challenges.
From the latest biologicals to the reliable standards, Fisher & Son has the insecticide to solve your most difficult pest problem.
FSC is a direct distributor for all the top manufacturers in the Green Industry.
Soil Management product options have improved dramatically over recent years. The advent of soil treatment chemistries to manage localized dry spot, black layer and soil drainage issues have been extremely beneficial to golf turf managers. FSC represent the leading manufacturers of wetting agents and soil treatments as well as a wide array of topdressings, single source nutrients, organic composts and inorganic materials used to improve drainage.