Pre Emergent Controls – BroadStar Herbicide
U/M: 50 lb.
Description: BroadStar™ Herbicide is labeled for landscapes to provide long-lasting preemergence control of broadleaf and grassy weeds in ornamental shrubs, trees, ground covers, non-bearing fruit/nut trees & vines and bareground non-crop settings. BroadStar controls tough weeds such as seedling dandelion, groundsel, chickweed,spurge, crabgrass and goosegrass.
Rate: 3.5 lbs / 1000 sq ft

Pre Emergent Controls – BroadStar Herbicide
Granular Herbicides

Pre Emergent Controls – Tupersan 4.6 G
Granular Herbicides
Pre Emergent Controls – Tupersan 4.6 G
U/M: 20 lb.
Description: Contains 4.6% tupersan. Pre-emergent crabgrass control for use in new seeding situations.
Rate: New Seeding: 2 lbs./1000 sq. ft.

Post Emergent Controls – Trimec G
Granular Herbicides
Post Emergent Controls – Trimec G
U/M: 50 lb.
Description: Contains 1.37% 2,4-D, 0.31 MCPP and 0.013% dicamba. Granular Broadleaf control.
Rate: 2 lbs./1000 sq. ft.